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    This was followed by a series of Dogecoin-related tweets by Musk in early February 2021 captioned “Dogecoin is the people’s crypto” and “no highs, no lows, only Doge”. Following these tweets, the value of Dogecoin rose by roughly 40%. Only a handful of cryptocurrencies have ever passed a $100 billion market cap, and only Bitcoin has passed $500 billion. Odds are that we won’t ever see Mount Baby Doge or the church of the Baby Doge. The creators of the coin even said Thursday that they would execute a “coin burn” of 3 quadrillion Baby Doge coins, driving up the price of Baby Doge by reducing supply. Still, a single Baby Doge coin is currently worth just $0.000000001623. We track all the Baby Doge price data from Coinbase on this page. This is important because different exchanges will have small differences in the values for the tokens you are buying and selling, so tracking information from multiple sources can lead to errors in your data.

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    Customize your upcoming box with 3 products of your choice, curated just for you every month. They’ll have 10 red, nude, orange, or pink options to choose from in the form of YSL’s bullet, liquid, and stain favorites in this limited-edition makeup vault from the brand. The cube-shaped box is an expandable trunk that buckles at the top and has a handle for easy carrying. It’s available in both black and holographic colors, but the makeup inside stays the same regardless of the exterior you choose. When you open the case, it splays out to reveal makeup nestled within plastic cases on either end. For ease, I suggest removing each plastic palette and placing it on whatever you use as your vanity for easier access to all of the products. Shop Wholesale makeup box on Zuba.

  13. Team LeBron features a starting lineup of James, Milwaukee Bucks PF Giannis Antetokounmpo, Chicago Bulls SF DeMar DeRozan, Denver Nuggets C Nikola Jokic and Golden State Warriors PG Stephen Curry. The reserves include Cleveland Cavaliers C Jarrett Allen, Miami Heat SF Jimmy Butler, Dallas Mavericks PG Luka Doncic, Cavaliers PG Darius Garland, Philadelphia 76ers SG James Harden, Utah Jazz SG Donovan Mitchell, Phoenix Suns PG Chris Paul and Toronto Raptors SG Fred VanVleet. Harden will not play because of an injury and Paul might not. The NBA All-Star Game was inaugurated in 1951, and the rules of the game were almost entirely the same as regular season or playoff games. The All-Star Game consists of two teams, each with 12 players. There are 12 players chosen from the Eastern Conference and 12 players from the Western Conference.
    If you bet against the spread, it means you tend to look for opportunities to wager on the underdogs in each game. Just as betting with the spread refers to wagering on the favorite to overcome the start given to their opponents by a sportsbook, going ATS suggests you like to look to the other side of the market. The other popular method of betting is on the money line. Odds will be listed for a team to win. An underdog could be listed at +200, which means you’d win $200 on a $100 bet if your team wins straight up. In a spread bet, the odds are usually set at -110 on both sides, depending on the sportsbook and state. That means whether you bet the Colts -3 or Texans +3, you’ll win the same amount of money if you win the bet. To make both sides of the spread get equal money, the bookmakers have a tactic. They will move the spread to attract bettors to the less-wagered side. The odds for a point spread might shift before the point spread number does.

  14. During your degree, you might be asked to write a reflective journal, log or essay. There are many different models available to help you structure your reflective writing.  For more information about some of the models, download the Reflective Writing Models Worksheet. Below are sample annotated paragraphs from one student’s critical reflection for a course on society and privilege. The precise questions that you ask yourself will depend to a large extent on the nature of the task you have been given and the experience, placement or practical activity that you are reflecting on.  Nevertheless, there are certain common or generic questions that may help you to get started.    You could divide these into  before, during   and after  the experience concerned – this will help you to structure your reflective writing.    For example –
    Since this essay is read by many colleges, avoid mentioning any college names or programs; instead, save tailored answers for the supplementary school-specific essays within the Common App. Essays can be a rewarding and challenging type of writing and are often assigned either to be done in class, which requires previous planning and practice (and a bit of creativity) on the part of the student, or as homework, which likewise demands a certain amount of preparation. Many poorly crafted essays have been produced on account of a lack of preparation and confidence. However, students can avoid the discomfort often associated with essay writing by understanding some common genres. These photo essay examples are here to provide you with the inspiration to go out and tell your own stories through photos!

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    Salah joined Liverpool coming from Italy’s Roma in 2017, and was announced top scorer in the English Premier League on three occasions. Liverpool missed the chance to claim a third Premier League win in a row for only the second time this season as they drew 0-0 with Crystal Palace on Saturday. It came down to the final day of the 2021 22 season between Tottenham’s Son Heung-min and Liverpool’s Mohamed Salah. Son’s two goals at Norwich City on the final day allowed him to momentarily move ahead of Salah in the scoring table. But the Liverpool star came off the bench and netted late to catch Son, as the two stars shared the Golden Boot on 23 goals. Marcus Rashford reached a little known Manchester United record vs Liverpool on Monday night.

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