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    Note: The actual Mayo Cup is still being forged in fire somewhere in the Canadian wilderness. It will be unveiled at some point during the season on his show. Part III of @GOLF_com’s golf gambling series! There are a lot of ways to play your golf gambling dollar. Which one is the best for you? t.co sKxOMtygIW MORE PGA COVERAGE FROM THE FRIED EGG The 2022 season marks the 50th anniversary of the European Tour group, and there has been constant evolution in that time.  Create your own custom private leagues to play with your friends and co-workers. Chris Garosi: Patrick Cantlay Since I went with chalk at the top, let’s dive a bit deeper for a sleeper. Patrick Cantlay tees it up for his second PGA Championship this week off a T6 at Firestone last week. He has three top 15 finishes in his last five events. He’s No. 31 in Strokes Gained: Approach, No. 11 Strokes Gained: Off the Tee and No. 8 Strokes Gained: Tee to Green on the year.

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    Shop No7 Menopause If you already spend half your wine budget on mascara and don’t ~totally~ have the $$$ to buy a fancy-ass primer, try this drugstore eyelash primer. It’s infused with hydrators like acai oil and mango butter to give your lashes a healthy dose of volume that won’t mess with your mascara formula. The primer offers a lotion consistency (a major plus for those who prefer skincare-like primers), and we like that it doesn’t feel slick on the hands or face when applied to skin. Editorial Assistant Adrianna Freedman uses this primer on her dry skin. “It honestly feels like a hydrating moisturizer, and I actually like the way makeup sits on it after applying,” she says. This clear waterproof mascara fixer does indeed create perfect lashes. Lashes are lengthened and dramatically fuller. The curl is heavenly and it holds until you say stop. It transforms even the clumpiest mascara into full, even coverage. Sesame extracts condition lashes without weighing down curl. Version 1 is Perfect Lash, for dramatically defined lashes, and version 2 is Natural Lash, for a natural, softer look. Be sure to remove with eye makeup remover, as this base is waterproof.

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