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Last year was a tale of two betting seasons for the Browns. With Jacoby Brissett at quarterback, the Browns went 5-6 against the spread, and were 7-3-1 on the over. They were a middling bet against the spread, but offense was your friend on total point bets. All four teams will compete for a deep playoff run, but their schedule will make things tough. All four teams rank in the Top-5 in my strength of schedule metric, so if things go south for one of these teams, a finish well under .500 isn’t that unlikely, considering how tough things will be week in and week out. The Lions, however, are a surprising presence this far up the board. Though the Lions didn’t make the playoffs, Detroit’s analytics-backed, go-for-it attitude evolved over the course of the season, eventually transforming the Lions into a team that few in the NFL wanted to face.
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